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How to monitor memory leaks with Pool Monitor (poolmon) ( ONLY)


The following instructions can be used to automate the process of collecting Poolmon logs. Ideally we would like to get about 12 hours worth of data, but if you cannot spare it, we can use as little as 3.

Note that if you have a Vista, 2008 or Windows7 machine you must right click the files and run as an administrator to get them to properly execute.
  1. Create a folder on the root of your C:\ drive called Poolmon.
  2. Download the zip from the link below and extract the files to the folder you created.
  3. Locate the file EnablePoolTagging and run this file. You should get a dialog box saying the pool tagging was enabled. At this point you must restart the machine before proceeding.
  4. After rebooting the machine go back into the folder and run the file _LogPool-as-a-service. You should see a command window open stating the Poolmon data collection is running as a service. You can close this window it will continue to log until it is stopped.
  5. Let the service run on the machine for a minimum of 3 hours, but can be ran for as long as needed. Note: do not let it run until the machine is hard locked or all the information collected will be lost.
  6. After you have let it run go into the folder on your C drive and run _RemovePoolmon3service
  7. A sub folder will have been created called Poolmon-OUTPUT
When you have the files, please use the following credentials to upload them to our FTP server.

You should be able to open a Windows Explorer window and enter the host into the filepath field, and then enter the login information:

User name: SunbeltFTP
Password: Sunfiles33

Please make sure to put the information in the supportlogs folder, and let me know once the files have been uploaded.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
