It is recommended that the following instructions be performed when requested by a GFI Technical Support Representative. If you do not have an open case, please first submit a request at:
- Dialogic no longer supports any SDK prior to 6.7.0 (Included with GFI FaxMaker 2014)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is supported by GFI FaxMaker but IS NOT supported by Dialogic for SDK 6.7.0
- GFI FaxMaker
- Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 fax devices
To enable Advanced ECC Logging with GFI FaxMaker:
- From the Windows service manager, stop both GFI FaxMaker services and close all FaxMaker configuration screens
- Within the FaxMaker configuration, go to "Advanced"->"Miscellaneous"->"Properties" and ensure that "Enable Debug Mode" is checked
- If open, close the FaxMaker Monitor and Configuration. Under "My Computer", browse to the FaxMaker logs folder (..\Program Files\GFI\FaxMaker\logs). Delete all files contained within this folder. It is possible that you will experience a file access error on one or two of these. This is ok, clear as many as you can
- On your start menu, under "GFI FaxMaker Brooktrout TR1034 Drivers" locate and start the Brooktrout Configuration Tool
- If asked about your IP stack, please, select "None" (Unless using the SR140 utility, or using FoIP/Fax-Over-IP with TR1034 hardware)
- If asked to confirm folder paths, please accept the defaults
- Once the Brooktrout Configuration Tool launches, it will be in either "Wizard Mode" or "Advanced Mode" (the mode will appear in the title bar at the top of the window). If it starts in Wizard mode, please click the button to enter Advanced Mode
- Click on the "Call Control Parameters" node on the left and choose the "Tracing" tab on the right. Within this screen, set all trace levels to "Verbose" except for "IP Stack Trace Level". Leave this set to None (Exception: If SR140 fax device is in use, set IP Stack Trace Level to verbose as well)
- At the bottom, there will be an input field to specify the Trace File Name. By default this will simply show "ecc.log". Make sure that you specify a complete path to this file. Leaving this set to "ecc.log" will not populate the file properly. Simply clicking the browse folder icon to the right of this box and then clicking open will automatically fill in the path to the ecc.log file within your diagnostic folder
- Click "Save" and then "Apply" to confirm the settings
In addition to the above logging, Dialogic has also requested that we enable advanced debug logging within the btcall.cfg. This file is located in the following path: "..\Program Files\GFI\FaxMaker\Brooktrout\TR1034\Boston\config"
- Please open "btcall.cfg" using notepad.exe to perform edit. Somewhere in this file (the very bottom is fine) please add the following lines:
- debug_options 3
- debug_control 9 1
- Note: It is important the debug_options appears BEFORE debug_control
- Save and close the btcall.cfg file
- At this point you can restart your GFI FaxMaker services and resume normal faxing. After a few calls double check that your ecc.log file contains logging information
- After collecting a sample of the errors you are seeing, please run trough the FaxMaker troubleshooter procedure below. In addition to the normal logging, please also include a copy of the ecc.log file. (If defaults were accepted, it should be located within the same folder as the btcall.cfg file). The following steps will gather the logs for sending into GFI:
Troubleshooter Procedure
- Run the GFI FaxMaker Troubleshooter from Start, Programs, GFI FaxMaker, Troubleshooter. You will be asked a series of questions regarding the issue. Please provide as much information as you can about errors that occurred or calls that failed during your testing of the issue. Once this completes, you will find a folder called "Support" under your FaxMaker installation directory
- Go to the installation directory of GFI FaxMaker and zip the entire Support folder the Troubleshooter created
- Upload the resulting zip to our FTP server:
- FTP Server details:
- Host:
- User: gfi
- Pass: gfi911cust
- Please locate the support folder inside the ..\Program Files\GFI\FaxMaker\ directory, place any other files requested inside this folder then Zip it up
- Please then rename the zip file with the following naming convention: (for example:
- Use the My Computer address bar to open the FTP site
- Login to the FTP server by clicking on File in the top right corner of the browser, then Login As. Please use the credentials above to access the site
- You are now at a Blank page where you can upload your file
- Upload the zip directory with the troubleshooting files by right clicking on the zip and choosing copy, then right click in the blank space of the FTP site and paste
- Reply to case email to confirm that the files have been uploaded AND THE EXACT NAME OF THE ZIP FILE
- FTP Server details:
Please allow up to 24-48 hours to review submitted logs
NOTE: If you currently do not have an open support case, please submit one here
NOTE: If you currently do not have an open support case, please submit one here
Priyanka Bhotika