High Memory usage on the backend service is causing issues with the quarantine
Versions / Builds Affected
Problem Summary
When Memory Usage on the Backend service reaches above 600mb. The quarantined items will stop writing to the database.
How to Identify
1)Open Task Manager and observe the Backend Service Memory Usage. 2)Open the QuarQA log and look for the following error.(Log location MailEssentials\Backend\Debuglogs) QuarQA","error:QA ProcessItem:ESE.JetException: Failed Add Stream JET_errOutOfCursors, Out of table cursors ; ;Server stack trace: ; at ESE.ESE_Engine.SetColumnStream(Int32 sessid, Int32 tb_id, Int32 columnid, Stream stream) ; at ContentSecurity.ML.Quar.QuarDAL.AddQuarItemProps(String itemid, String itemsender, String itemrecipients, String itemsubject, String itemmsgid, DateTime dtquar, DateTime dtrec, Int32 module, String threatreport, Int32 age, Stream strm, String itemServerName) ; at ContentSecurity.ML.Quar.QuarDAL.AddQuarItem(String[] emails, QuarItemProps quarItemProps, Stream strm) 3)Open and verify the following error in Quar log.(Log location MailEssentials\Backend\Debuglogs) error ","Quar","error:ESE.JetException: Failed Add Stream JET_errOutOfCursors, Out of table cursors ; at ESE.ESE_Engine.SetColumnStream(Int32 sessid, Int32 tb_id, Int32 columnid, Stream stream) ; at ContentSecurity.ML.Quar.QuarDAL.AddQuarItemProps(String itemid, String itemsender, String itemrecipients, String itemsubject, String itemmsgid, DateTime dtquar, DateTime dtrec, Int32 module, String threatreport, Int32 age, Stream strm, String itemServerName)" 4)Open Microsoft Message queuing service and see if items are building up in the Antispam@recovery queue
Workaround / Fix Details
1)Restarting the backend service will clear up the Quarantined items that are building up in the recovery. 2)After restarting and verifying the queue is clearing verify the error matches the log above 3)Escalate with fresh set of logs.
Required Actions
1)Restarting the backend service will clear up the Quarantined items that are building up in the recovery. 2)After restarting and verifying the queue is clearing verify the error matches the log above 3)Escalate with fresh set of logs.
Priyanka Bhotika