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Clearing the MailEssentials DNS Blacklist Cache Manually


You may need to clear two DNS blacklist cache entries depending on which filter is blocking the emails.

This article provides the steps to clear the blacklist cache entries for the following:



NOTE: This is not a full purge of the listed blacklist entries. This process clears everything older than one hour to remove any entries that may have caused issues without entirely deleting the list, as this could cause excess spam to be allowed.

IP DNS Blacklist

  1. Stop all the GFI services and the IIS Admin service.
    • Go to Start > Run > Type services.msc > Hit Enter.
      NOTE: This temporarily stops your email flow.
  2. Browse to the MailEssentials\Antispam Directory.
  3. Back up config.mdb.
  4. Open config.mdb in Microsoft Access.
  5. Open the Antispam2 table.
  6. Change the orcachetti value to 3600000. This value contains the number of milliseconds that the cache will be held in memory. 3600000 is equal to 1 hour. The default value is 345600000 (4 days).
  7. Close the Antispam2 table and the config.mdb database.
  8. Start the services stopped in step 1.

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URL DNS Blacklist

  1. Stop all the GFI services and the IIS Admin service.
    • Go to Start > Run > Type services.msc > Hit Enter.
      NOTE: This temporarily stops your email flow.
  2. Browse to the MailEssentials\Antispam Directory.
  3. Back up config.mdb.
  4. Open config.mdb in Microsoft Access.
  5. Open the surbl_config table.
  6. Change the sublecachettl value to 3600000. This value contains the number of milliseconds that the cache will be held in memory. 3600000 is equal to 1 hour. The default value is 345600000 (4 days).
  7. Close the surbl_config table and the config.mdb database.
  8. Start the services stopped in step 1.

 NOTE: Once the cache has been cleared, it is recommended that you return the settings to default.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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