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Public folders not moving email to processed folder



Emails getting stuck at Public folders and are not being moved to processed folder.


  • GFI MailEssentials 
  • Microsoft Exchange server
  • All supported environments  


  1. Make sure no Outlook Calendar Requests are placed in the Public Folders as those cannot be processed and will stop the processing of other emails
  2. Make sure no Internal emails are placed in the Public Folders
  3. Create a test folder in Outlook
  4. Move the emails from the Public folder having the issue to the test folder
  5. Move one email back to the Public folder and click Scan Now in the GFI MailEssentials configuration
  6. If it was successful, try processing the remaining emails in small batches and find out which emails is stopping the whole processing
  7. If none of the emails are being processed, recreate the Public Folders, as per procedure below:
  1. In the Exchange System Manager go to Public folder Management
  2. Locate the GFI AntiSpam Public folder tree and rename it to GFI AntiSpam Public_old
  3. Go into the MailEssentials configuration and go to Anti-spam settings
  4. Once there go to the Public Folder tab and hit Scan Now. A new set of public folders will be created.
  5. Verify the folders are present
  6. Go to an Outlook client and confirm the new folders are present and start placing the type of emails in question to the appropriate folder. You can then delete the old set of public folders.


Internal Emails or Microsoft Outlook Calendar Requests were placed in the Public Folders. These cannot be processed. Old Public Folders needed to be re-created.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
