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Excluding a User's Email from the Spam Filtering


This article provides a step-by-step process on excluding the user's email from the spam filtering.



GFI MailEssentials allows excluding specific users from having their emails filtered.

  1. Specify the user's email address you wish to exclude using the 'Add' function from the GFI MailEssentials Configuration > Anti-Spam > Whitelist.
  2. Choose the 'Check Recipient' option.
  3. You may wish to check the 'Filter Priority' option to ensure that no spam modules are ahead of the whitelist module in order to make the change effective.


  • It is not recommended to whitelist internal users as this will make them vulnerable to any spoofing attempts.
  • The EmailSecurity portion of GFI MailEssentials does not allow to whitelist email addresses. Even if a sender or recipient is whitelisted under the AntiSpam portion of GFI MailEssentials, the emails will be still scanned for malware threats and content.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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