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Disabling Deleted / Recoverable Items Folder in Office 365 Journal Mailbox


When using GFI Archiver with a Microsoft Office 365 mailbox, we recommend disabling Microsoft Office 365 from moving deleted items to the Recoverable Items folder. This prevents your journal mailbox from filling up and reaching its maximum capacity of 30 GB.




The Journaling Mailbox is filling up with deleted items and administrators are unable to empty the Deleted items folder. 

Important notes:

  • When the maximum capacity is reached, GFI Archiver will not be able to archive emails.
  • The Recoverable Items folder is a hidden folder that contains emails deleted in Microsoft Office 365 for a specific amount of time (default 14 days). Quotas for Recoverable items cannot be increased.

  • When you disable this functionality emails are automatically deleted from the journal mailbox once GFI Archiver archives the emails.



  1. On a Microsoft Windows Server machine, open Windows PowerShell.
    • You may need to enable Windows PowerShell script execution to connect to Exchange Online. To enable script execution for signed scripts, run the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

  2. Run the following command: $UserCredential = Get-Credential and key in the required credentials.

  3. To start your remote session with Exchange Online, run the following command:
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection

  4. Run the following command: Import-PSSession $Session

  5. To disable the Recoverable Items folder functionality, run the following command: Set-Mailbox –Identity journal -SingleItemRecoveryEnabled $False -RetainDeletedItemsFor 0

  6. To disconnect your session, run the following command: Remove-PSSession $Session


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Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
