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Configuring Rule to Delete Read Receipts for Emails Sent by Journaling Mailbox in Office 365


When using GFI Archiver with a Microsoft Office 365 mailbox, you may need to delete read receipts for emails that are sent out by the Journaling Mailbox. This article shares the process for configuring a rule that deletes read receipts for emails sent by the Journaling Mailbox.



To create a new rule that deletes read receipts for internal emails sent by the journaling mailbox, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Microsoft Office 365 using the administrator account.
  2. Go to Admin > Exchange.
  3. Open Exchange Admin Center.
  4. Select mail flow.


  5. In the rules tab, select the + (New) and select create a new rule.
  6. In the new rule screen, configure the following options: 

    Option Description
    • Type in a rule name, for example, Delete Read Receipts sent by Journaling Mailbox.
    *Apply this rule if...
    1. Select [The sender is...] and select the journal mailbox from the list of users.
    2. Click more options, then click add condition.
    3. Select The message properties > include message type
    4. Select message type Read receipt
    5. Click OK.
    *Do the following...
    • Select Block the message > delete the message without notifying anyone.


  7. When prompted with the warning: Do you want to apply this rule to all future messages?, click yes.
  8. Click save.


  9. View and verify the configured new rule.



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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