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Adding Archiving Rules in GFI Archiver


This article shares the process of adding archiving rules in GFI Archiver.

Learn more about Using Archiving Rules in GFI Archiver.



Follow these steps:

  1. Open GFI Archiver admin interface.
  2. Go to the Configuration tab.
  3. Click Archiving Rules.
  4. Click Add.

  5. Go to the Rule Name field and specify a meaningful name for the archiving rule in the wizard.
  6. Go to the Email Criteria section, specify rule conditions given below in this article.
    • Click iconadd under to add more conditions.
  7. Go to the Place matching email in folder field, and specify the folder path in the accepted convention given below in this article.
    • This is the folder where the emails will be archived.
    • If the folder specified by the user does not exist, it is created automatically.
  8. Click Next.



Rule Conditions

Choose rule conditions from the available options described below:

  • Emails that match the specified subject are archived.
  • Emails that are an exact match to a word or a sentence specified in this criteria are archived.
  • Select Email and type the email address or select User and type the name of the user.
  • A list of AD users will be displayed when you start typing the first letters of an email address or a user's name.

  • Wildcards are supported. For example, if you enter *, the value will match all users of ''.
  • Select Email and type the email address or select User and type the name of the user.
  • Note: A list of AD users will be displayed when you start typing the first letters of an email address or a user's name.

  • Wildcards are supported. For example, if you enter *, the value will match all users of ''.
Full email size
  • Select a filter from the available options (Equals, Greater Than, Greater or Equal Than, Smaller Than, Smaller or Equal Than) and specify an email size in MB.
Attachment Size
  • Select a filter from the available options (Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equals, Smaller Than, Smaller Than or Equals) and specify an attachment size in MB.
Attachment Type
  • Select a filter from the available options: Images, Documents, Music, Videos, Custom.


Folder Path Convention

The desired folder path can be written in the 'Place matching email in folder' field using the following conventions:

  • Represent \ (backslash) by /\.
  • Represent / (forward slash) by //.
  • For example, to enter the following folder path:
  • Input the path as: Inbox\Managerial//CEO\Requests/\Queries


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
