This article will provide the process for using the Import/Export tool to export email from the Archive Stores to the .pst format when mail is to be accessed outside of the Archiver application itself.
Use the Import Export Tool to export or restore emails in bulk. Through this tool, you can connect to a GFI Archiver installation, search the archived emails and export the required emails in one go. Entire mailboxes can also be exported.
NOTE: If performing an export of an entire mailbox Using the Mailbox Restore Tool is another option.
Export emails provide the following destinations:
- Restore to a specific email address
- Download to a folder on disk in .eml or .msg format
- Download to a PST file
The export feature in the Import Export Tool is useful to export a set of emails that match specific search criteria, for example, to provide emails to satisfy a litigation support request.
The export process exports a copy of the emails and does not remove the original emails from the Archive Stores.
To export emails using the Import Export Tool:
- Navigate to Start > Programs > GFI Archiver > GFI Archiver Import Export Tool.
- From the Export Data from GFI Archiver area, click Download emails from GFI Archiver.
- In the Login Credentials area:
- In the GFI Archiver URL field specify the URL used to connect to GFI Archiver.
- Select Login as Current User to login using the credentials of the logged on user or select Use Other Credentials to login using another username and password.
- Click Verify Connection to confirm that a connection can be established to the GFI Archiver URL using the specified credentials.
- Click Next to continue.
- Select the type of search from the following options:
Option Description Entire mailbox Search for all emails in a particular mailbox. Emails containing specific words Search for emails that include particular words in subject, body and/or attachment. Emails with specific search criteria Search for emails stored in a particular Archive Store, in a particular mailbox or emails that contain a particular tag. - Click Next to continue.
- Depending on the type of search selected in the previous step, specify the search criteria as follows:
Type of search Search criteria Entire mailbox Mailbox Search
- All emails in mailbox – Click … button and add the mailbox to search all containing emails.
- Retrieve only the first 5000 emails – Search returns only the first 5000 emails that match search criteria.
Emails containing specific words Simple Search
- Look for – Key in terms to search for in email subject and body.
- Search in Attachments – check this option to include attachments when searching.
- Return only the first 5000 occurrences – Search returns only the first 5000 emails that match search criteria.
- Only in mailbox(es) – Search only in particular mailboxes. Click … button to specify the mailbox to search in.
Emails with specific search criteria Advanced Search
- Search in all Archive Stores
- Restrict search on particular Archive Stores – Run search through specific Archive Stores. Click hyperlink to select the Archive Stores to search in.
- Search in mailbox(es) – Check this option to search for emails in specific mailboxes. Click … button to select the mailboxes to search in.
- Retrieve only the first 5000 occurrences – Search returns only the first 5000 emails that match search criteria.
- Query Criteria - select the search criteria and specify the condition from the drop-down list. Click
to add more criteria. Available conditions are:
- Subject – Search for emails having a specific subject.
- Sender - Specify the email address or display name of the email sender for which to search emails.
- Recipient - Specify the email address or display name of the email recipient for which to search emails.
- BCC - Specify the email address or display name for which to search emails.
- Sent Date - Search for emails sent before, after or exactly on a specific date. Key in or select a date, and select Is before, Is after or Is exactly.
- Received Date - Search for emails received before, after or exactly on a specific date. Key in or select a date, and select Is before, Is after or Is exactly.
- Start Date - Search for emails received before, after or exactly on a specific date. Key in or select a date, and select Is before, Is after or Is exactly.
- Size (KB) - Search for emails that are bigger, smaller or equal to a particular size. Key in a size and select Is greater than, Is smaller than and Is exactly.
- Message ID - Search using the ‘Message ID’ field contained in the email header. Key in or paste the message ID of the email to find.
- Whole Email - Search for emails that have some specific content anywhere in the email (including the body, headers and attachments).
- Body - Search for emails that have some specific content in the body.
- Attachment - Search for emails that have some specific content anywhere in the attachment.
- Folder - Search for emails contained in a specific mailbox folder.
- Folder/Subfolders - Search for emails contained in a specific subfolder within a mailbox folder.
- Personal Label - Search for emails labeled with a specific label.
- Global Label - Search for emails labeled with a global label.
- Classification Label - Search for emails labeled with a classification label.
- SPAM Tag - Search for emails classified as SPAM.
- Contains document - Search for emails with attachments of the following file types: .txt, .rtf, .htm, .html, .xml, .zip, .pdf, .msg, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .wpd, .wpf, .sxc, .sxd, .sxi, .sxw, .sxg, .stc, .sti, .stw, .stm, .odt, .ott, .odg, .otg, .odp, .otp, .ods, .ots, .odf, .eml, .mht, .xps, .zip.
displayed next to a search condition to remove it.
- Click Find to show all matching emails. To export the returned emails click Next.
After you perform a search, you might need to review particular emails from the result set to check that they actually contain what you are looking for. Double-click on the email to view. The GFI Archiver Bulk Export tool loads the email in a separate window.
- Select how to export the emails:
Restore to the following email address Select this option to export emails to a mailbox. Specify the email address and select the method how to send the emails:
- Send emails as separate attachments
- Send emails as original
Download to path Export emails to a location on disk. Key in the path or click Browse to select the folder where to export the emails. Select the format how to export the emails in .eml or .msg format.
Download to PST Export emails to a Microsoft Outlook® PST file. Key in the path or click Browse to select the pst file where to export the emails. To maintain the folder structure of exported emails, check Retain folder structure.
Click Next to start the export process.
When the export process completes, click Finish.
The duration of the export process depends on the amount of emails to export.
After the export has completed users can validate the content, for example if export to PST was selected, the user will be able to open the .pst file by launching Microsoft Outlook > Select File > Open and Export > Open Outlook Data File.
After opening the .pst file users should see the emails that were exported in a folder in the Navigation pane on the left.
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