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"Download to PST" Option is Grayed out During Bulk Export


This article's solution applies to situations when you are exporting items from GFI Archiver using the Import Export Tool, but find that the Download to PST option is grayed out.


  • GFI Archiver
  • All supported environments

Root Cause

The Download to PST option is grayed out because GFI Archiver requires Microsoft Outlook to be installed to handle PST files.


To enable the Download to PST option, you need to install Microsoft Outlook on the GFI Archiver server. To learn about the supported versions of Microsoft Outlook, please refer to the GFI Archiver's Requirement of Microsoft Outlook or CDO/MAPI article.


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
