The Outlook Connector does not list certain folders due to a broken folder chain in arc_tags
Versions / Builds Affected
Problem Summary
If the folder chain is broken in the archive stores the Outlook Connector does not display certain folders.
How to Identify
For this article, let's assume the bottom most folder (Level3) is not displayed in the OC: \Level1\Level2\Level3 Step 1 - Confirm that the OC log shows the following error for the Level3 folder: 2012-10-18,10:26:52,194,1,"#000023f0","#000023f4","error ","logmartransport","TransportMessagesProcessor::ProcessParentFolders - folder 'Level1|Level2|Level3' having folderId '52B45205EE0E6F4FB6B6172089024BE9000000176871' is not found in the FoldersId listed by GetFoldersList. On Message -2147427003 " Step 2 - Confirm issue in archive store database QUERY #1 - GET USER LIST OF DATABASE SELECT arc_users.userName FROM arc_users ORDER BY arc_users.userName ASC QUERY #2 - GET FOLDER LIST PER USER SELECT arc_users.userName, arc_tags.tagId, arc_tags.tagValue FROM arc_tags LEFT JOIN arc_users ON arc_tags.usrId=arc_users.usrId WHERE arc_tags.tagType=0 AND arc_users.userName='DOMAIN\USER' ORDER BY arc_tags.tagValue ASC You need to replace the placeholder DOMAIN\USER in the 2nd query with the proper string gathered via query #1. The 2nd query should then show a gap when looking at the folder in question (look at the tagValue column) and you would see a row missing for Level2 This output would confirm this issue: userName tagId tagValue DOMAIN\USER -2147483648 Level1 DOMAIN\USER -2147483635 Level1|Level2|Level3 This output would NOT confirm this issue (this is how it should look like when everything is ok) userName tagId tagValue DOMAIN\USER -2147483648 Level1 DOMAIN\USER -2147483628 Level1|Level2 DOMAIN\USER -2147483635 Level1|Level2|Level3
Workaround / Fix Details
E.g. let's assume the bottom most folder (Level3) is not displayed: \Level1\Level2\Level3 1. In the Exchange mailbox of the user, move any email into the folder mentioned above 2. Wait until you can see this email in the target folder from within the web interface of MailArchiver 3. Close the Outlook of the user 4. Open %localappdata%\GFI\MailArchiver for the user 5. Rename the fdb-file to bak 6. Open Outlook again and let the mailbox resync from scratch 7. Check if the mentioned folder appears now 8. Move the email from step 1 back to its original folder within the Exchange mailbox (For above UMPolling must be in use.)
Required Actions
Apply above per affected folder. Note: The original issue which could cause such database rows missing was addressed in an older 6 version. But customer's could still run into the symptoms caused by this today.
Priyanka Bhotika