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The GFI MailArchiver Import Export Tool corrupts headers when extracting emails from a Unix-based source (having LF as newline character)

Versions / Builds Affected

Any 2012 or newer



Problem Summary

When extracting emails (e.g. from a PST file) the IET does corrupt emails when they contain a Unix like line break character (LF).



How to Identify

When comparing the archived version of an email and the original email which was imported you observe that certain headers appear multiple times (which should only appears once). For example in the archived copy you would see multiple Date: or To: or Subject: headers, but the original email does only show them once. What to look out for: - The customer is using a Unix based email server (e.g. Scalix) or the PST file from which emails are exported was generated off of such a system - Line breaks in the original source email are represented by CR+LF Background: In Windows a line break / newline is generally represented by the character LF On Unix based systems two characters represent a line break / newline: CR+LF If the IET processes the headers of an email in which line breaks are represented as CR+LF it is not handled correctly and this can result in duplicating headers.

Workaround / Fix Details

Development provided a patch for 8.1 which makes the IET to handle such mails correctly. This patch does NOT fix already archived emails.

Required Actions

When confirmed that the customer is facing this consult with PSG. Please ensure to submit the following when escalating: - TS files - The original email (in a pst-file) - The archived equivalent downloaded from MARC (eml-format)
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
