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Online Backup Products Compatibility with GFI Archiver


GFI Archiver includes added support for Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), allowing administrators to use third-party backup products to take online backups of GFI Archiver configuration, archive stores, queues and indexes without stopping the services.

Note: Microsoft VSS will only back up data that is on the GFI Archiver server. It is therefore important to make sure that data on other machines is backed up separately.


GFI has tested the integration and compatibility level of the following third-party products:

Product Name Integration Level: Files Integration Level: Components Related Notes*
 Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Supported Supported 1
 Backup4All Supported Supported  
 Symantec BackupExec Not Supported Not Available in Product 4
 CA ARCserve Not Supported Supported  
 EMC Networker 7.6 Supported Supported 2
 EMC Replistor for Microsoft Windows Not Supported Not Available in Product  
 Genie Backup Manager Server 8.0 Supported Not Available in Product  
 HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Not Supported Supported 3
 Microsoft NT Backup / Windows Backup Supported Supported  
 Shadow Protect Supported Not Available in Product 1
 ViceVersa Pro Supported Not Available in Product  
 UltraBac 8   Not Available in Product  

*Related Notes:

  1. GFI Archiver online backup is performed in volumes, for example, backup the entire Drive C volume. Shadow Protect supports volume level snapshots only.
  2. For EMC Networker, the GFI Archiver VSS Writer IDs must be added to EMC Networker before you can take advantage of the online backup feature in GFI Archiver. This can be done by selecting the Advanced tab from the Local Agent configuration dialog box and in the VSS Writers list box add the following lines:
    • GFI MailArchiver 2011 R4 or newer:
    • GFI MailArchiver 2011 R3 or older:
  3. GFI Archiver online backup is not immediately supported with the installation of HP OpenView Storage Data Protector. You must add the ‘GFI Archiver Writers’ to the writerstab_info files to be able to use the GFI Archiver online backup feature in HP OpenView Storage Data Protector. Open the writerstab_info file from <HP setup path>\Config\Server\Integ\Config\MSVSSW and <HP setup path>\NewConfig\Server\Integ\Config\MSVSSW\, and add the following lines to the end of the files:
    • GFI Archiver 2015 or newer:
      -name "GFI Archiver VSS" -guid {42a31dc7-fc7b-49b6-a009-8c58b3ed01a6} -desc "GFI.Archiver.VSSWriter" -type 0
    • GFI MailArchiver 2011 R4 until GFI MailArchiver 2014:
      -name "GFI MailArchiver VSS" -guid {42a31dc7-fc7b-49b6-a009-8c58b3ed01a6} -desc "GFI.MailArchiver.VSS Writer" -type 0
    • GFI MailArchiver 2011 R3 or older:
      -name "GFI MailArchiver Core" -guid {61fd4d14-1ceb-465f-af90-db7176bea8d9} -desc "GFI.MailArchiver.Core Writer" -type 0
      -name "GFI MailArchiver Core2" -guid {37c23528-4372-41d7-bb3a-659d656664ae} -desc "GFI.MailArchiver.Core2 Writer" -type 0
      -name "GFI MailArchiver Import Service" -guid {19ee3975-295e-439e-8ed7-9b51cc6792f6} -desc "GFI.MailArchiver.MAIS Writer" -type 0
      -name "GFI MailArchiver Store" -guid {42a31dc7-fc7b-49b6-a009-8c58b3ed01a6} -desc "GFI.MailArchiver.Store Writer" -type 0
      -name "GFI MailArchiver Search" -guid {8a07f8f1-30b0-4e84-9c67-20a2517e172f} -desc "GFI.MailArchiver.Search Writer" -type 0
  4. At the moment Symantec BackupExec does not provide support for 3rd party VSS writers.
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