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Changing the GFI Archiver Services Ports


This article describes the methods to change the .NET Remoting ports (8014, 8017, 8018, 8019, 8020 and 8022 across versions) used by GFI Archiver for inter-process communication.


Depending on the GFI Archiver version installed, use the procedure described below to change the ports:

Port Change Tool for GFI MailArchiver 2012 SR2 or newer

Starting with this version, the Port Change tool is bundled with the server installation and can be found under: ..\InstallationFolder\Tools\PortChange\PortChange.exe

NOTE: This tool can also check if a port conflict currently exists.

Manual Procedure for GFI MailArchiver 2012 and 2011

  1. Stop the GFI MailArchiver services.
  2. Browse to the GFI MailArchiver installation directory.
  3. Make a backup of the following files:

    GFI MailArchiver 2012 GFI MailArchiver 2011
    ..\ASPNET\Services\remoting.config ..\Core\bin\MArc.Core.Remoting.exe.config
    ..\ASPNET\UI\remoting.config ..\Core\bin\MArc.UMPolling.ExPolling.exe.config
    ..\BulkSchemaUpgrader\BulkSchemaUpgrader.exe.config ..\Core2\bin\Marc.Core2.exe.config
    ..\Core\bin\MArc.Core.exe.config ..\Core2\bin\Marc.Core2.Remoting.exe.config
    ..\Core\bin\MArc.Core.Remoting.exe.config ..\Mais\bin\MArc.MAIS.Remoting.exe.config
    ..\Core\bin\MArc.UMPolling.EWSPolling.exe.config ..\Mais\bin\MArc.MAIS.exe.config
    ..\Core\bin\MArc.UMPolling.ExPolling.exe.config ..\Search\bin\MArc.Search.Remoting.exe.config
    ..\Core2\bin\MArc.Core2.exe.config ..\Search\bin\MArc.Search.exe.config
    ..\Core2\bin\MArc.Core2.Remoting.exe.config ..\Store\bin\MArc.Store.Remoting.exe.config
    ..\IMAP\bin\MArc.Imap.exe.config ..\Store\bin\MArc.Store.exe.config
    ..\IMAP\bin\MArc.Imap.Remoting.exe.config ..\ASPNET\remoting.config
    ..\MailboxRestore\MailboxRestore.exe.config ..\Core\bin\MArc.UMPolling.EWSPolling.exe.config
    ..\MAIS\bin\MArc.MAIS.exe.config ..\BulkSchemaUpgrader\BulkSchemaUpgrader.exe.config
    ..\MAIS\bin\MArc.MAIS.Remoting.exe.config ..\Core\bin\MArc.Core.exe.config
    ..\MarcImportExport\Data\Remoting.config ..\MailboxRestore\MailboxRestore.exe.config
    ..\MarcImportExport\MArcImportExport.exe.config ..\MarcImportExport\MArcImportExport.exe.config
    ..\Search\bin\MArc.Search.exe.config ..\MarcImportExport\Data\Remoting.config


  4. Open the files from step 3 in a text editor.
  5. For each of the files, use the Find and Replace feature to update the port number. For example, Find 8017 and Replace with 8117.
  6. Restart the GFI MailArchiver services.
  7. Run command prompt as an Administrator and type iisreset /noforce, and press Enter.

NOTE: Every port used by GFI MailArchiver will not be listed in every file from step 3.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
