MailboxRestore to Exchange 2013 fails if the target user's AD attributes MAIL and USERPRINCIPALNAME are not identical
Versions / Builds Affected
20131111, 20140616
Problem Summary
MailboxRestore to Exchange 2013 fails if the target user's AD attributes MAIL and USERPRINCIPALNAME are not identical
1452 (2nd)
How to Identify
Consider the following scenario: 1. The customer wants to use the MailboxRestore tool to restore emails from MARC into an Exchange 2013 mailbox. 2. The customer's Active Directory domain is: domain.local 3. The customer's email domain is: 4. UserA's primary email address is: (the user's mail attribute in AD also has this value) 5. UserA's userPrincipalName (also an AD attribute and used to log into Windows) is: user@domain.local 6. The user who runs the MailboxRestore has been granted Full Access permissions to UserA's mailbox The important part is that the mail attribute and the userPrincipalName attribute differ! These attributes can be checked using ADSIEdit ( The restore will fail in this scenario.
Workaround / Fix Details
20140616 Patch not available 20131111 ----- Fixed in MARC2015 build 20141117
Required Actions
Upgrade to MARC2015 build 20141117 or newer Or, if on 20131111, apply patch
Priyanka Bhotika