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Email Responsiveness Report in Environments Without proxyAddresses (e.g. Office 365 without DirSync) Is Blank


Email Responsiveness Report in environments without proxyAddresses (e.g. Office 365 without DirSync) is blank.

The Email Responsiveness Report will show no data in environments where the user object's proxyAddresses attribute in Active Directory are blank (or if the proxyAddresses attribute is not exposed via the Global Catalog). proxyAddresses holds information about the email addresses of a user including their aliases in the form of:

  • SMTP:
  • SMTP:
  • SMTP:

NOTE: This likely occurs in all non-Exchange environments including Office 365.

Debug logging from 9.2 - Core2\DebugLogs\MIGenEmailRes.log:

2014-07-07,22:21:34,057,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Verified user full access" 2014-07-07,22:21:34,057,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Retrieving matched databases >>" 2014-07-07,22:21:34,073,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Databases matched [1] <<" 2014-07-07,22:21:34,073,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Retrieving users from ADA" 2014-07-07,22:21:34,073,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Info - Getusers> Retrieving group members for [e1fafaf2b6a9a44a86fe5242e366d19f]" 2014-07-07,22:21:36,475,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Users retrieved [0]" 2014-07-07,22:21:36,475,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Users parsed" 2014-07-07,22:21:36,475,1,"#00000F70","#00000016","error ","MIGenEmailRes","Error: No domain names could be resolved. Email list count retrieved: 0"


20131111, 20140616


Upgrade to the MARC2015 build 20141117 version to fix this issue. The development team made a code change which makes the report work without the need to have proxyAddresses set, it will solely rely on the mail attribute as a fallback.

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