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Error: 'StartIndex cannot be less than zero' When Generating an Email Responsiveness MailInsights Report


When attempting to generate an Email Responsiveness MailInsights report, the operation fails with an error referring to:
StartIndex cannot be less than zero

The debug logs ..\Core\DebugLogs\MIGenEmailRes.log show:
2013-04-15,09:26:09,096,1,"#00003D8C","#0000001A","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Info - Getusers> Retrieving all users" 
2013-04-15,09:26:09,236,1,"#00003D8C","#0000001A","info ","MIGenEmailRes","Users retrieved [135]" 
2013-04-15,09:26:09,252,1,"#00003D8C","#0000001A","error ","MIGenEmailRes","Error: Generating Report StartIndex cannot be less than zero. 
;Parameter name: startIndex" 

2013-04-15,09:26:09,267,1,"#00003D8C","#0000001A","error ","MIRepEmailRes","Error while generating report: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. 
;Parameter name: startIndex 

2013-04-15,09:26:09,330,1,"#00003D8C","#0000001A","error ","MIScheduler","Error: Plug-in returned: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. 
;Parameter name: startIndex"

Note: These debug logs were located in ..\Core2\Debuglogs in GFI MailArchiver 2013 or older.


  • GFI Archiver
  • All supported environments

Root Cause

An object in Active Directory contains invalid data.


  1. Check user objects in Active Directory for invalid SMTP email addresses (especially in the mail and proxyAddresses attributes).
    Note: The proxyAddresses attribute can hold more than one address and also non-SMTP addresses.
  2. Remove or fix the invalid SMTP email addresses. An example of such an invalid SMTP email address would be: (it should be
  3. Stop all GFI Archiver services.
  4. Start all GFI Archiver services.

Note: You may run the following command on a domain controller to generate a CSV file which may ease the verification process:

csvde.exe -f csvdeoutput.csv -l mail,proxyAddresses -p Subtree -r "(&(objectCategory=user)(mail=*)(displayName=*)(!(cn=SystemMailbox{*)))" 
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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