There may be instances in which administrators may need to access other users' archived emails in GFI Archiver. By default, no administrator or user can access and view other users email, including archived. To see other users' archived emails, access permissions must be granted. This article provides both steps and information to grant such permissions.
Granting a User or Group Access to All Emails Within GFI Archiver
Log in to GFI Archiver.
Navigate to Configuration > Roles and Permissions.
Grant the user or group the permission View all items.
Granting Users with Access to Other Users' Mailboxes
To give users access to other users' mailboxes, use either of the following options under Under Configuration > Access Control, depending on your requirements:
Option |
Description |
Group Managers |
This option allows users that have a management or supervisory role in your organization to browse and search through the emails of all the users forming part of that AD group. |
User Access Control |
It allows specific users to browse and search the emails of other users. This feature enables a user to grant access to emails of another user that no longer forms part of your company (and for which the AD account was deleted). |
Shared Mailboxes |
This option allows a group to access archived emails in a specific mailbox. For example, it enables all salespersons to have access to sales@mycompany.com. |
Important Notes
GFI Archiver must be able to read properties from the Active Directory (AD) objects (for example user objects).
The GFI Archiver services run under Local System by default; this means that the computer object of the GFI Archiver server in Active Directory requires 'Read-All Properties' permissions to all Active Directory objects. These permissions are granted on a regular Active Directory environment by default, but if the Active Directory permissions were hardened, you might need to allow them explicitly.
Priyanka Bhotika