In the morning hours, Outlook Connector connections fail and the server fails to upload emails into the Archive Stores
Versions / Builds Affected
Potentially any
How to Identify
A selected few customers with large installations experienced behaviour as outlined below: - The system is running fine for a while - In the morning hours, when the employees come into the office their OCs connect to the server - Store triggers a high amount of userTs to be calculated (the more archive stores are attached & OCs connecting to the server, the more such calls are made) - The high amount of userTs calls have a severe negative impact on SQL performance, logical connections are very high as is I/O (incl. against old DBs) - see a lot of timeouts in Store\DebugLogs\UpdatesCache.log - In turn this causes ARC's SQL queries to time out - For users, their OCs fail to sync - And Core/Store has also problems archiving items (backlog building up in Core/Queue) - Restarting ARC services helps to get things working again - but after a while the issue crops up again What do check for (compare the problematic situation against a baseline when things work smoothly): - high I/O / avg. disk queue length on the SQL server (esp. on the disk which holds the Archiver SQL DBs) - use Window's Resource Monitor for this - a high amount of timeouts in ARC (esp. for MaintenanceUsersTs() in Store\DebugLogs\Errors.log resp. QueryFailed lines in Store\DebugLogs\UpdatesCache.log) NOTE At the time of writing, the situation is not well understood nor is it easy to diagnose.
Workaround / Fix Details
Patch for 2015 SR1 build 20150218: Note that this patch causes that Outlook Connectors cannot sync and data older than 1 year because the server now limits certain calls against databases which fall into the last 1 year. This range can be configured on the server side (via a new key named "OCSynchronizeDaysSpan" in Store's product.config). Warning: Increasing this setting might void the patch's positive effect.
Required Actions
1. Upgrade to 2015 SR1 build 20150218 if still on an older version 2. Apply patch to the server
Priyanka Bhotika