In timezones of UTC-X hours, for newly created mailboxes, synchronization (for OC and FAA) will not work until X hours have passed from the first archiving for that mailbox
Versions / Builds Affected
How to Identify
In a scenario where the Archiver server is in a timezone which is UTC minus X amount of hours, for newly created mailboxes FAA / OC synchronization will not work until the X hours have passed from the archiving of the first item. Thus if you have a situation where UTC time is 12:00pm, and your Archiver server is @ UTC -8 (04:00am), if you archive a file from FAA, this will be stored in UTC time (12:00pm). The problem arises when checking for updates, because we are checking if there are updates until the local time (04:00am). Steps to reproduce: 1. Set the GFI Archiver server 's timezone to be at UTC-X amount of hours 2. Create a new mailbox 3. Upload some file using the FAA for this new mailbox 4. The file will not be sync'ed until X amount of hours have passed
Workaround / Fix Details
20141117 ----- Fixed in GFI Archiver 2015 SR1 build 20150218
Required Actions
Upgrade server & OC to GFI Archiver 2015 SR1 build 20150218 or newer
Priyanka Bhotika