This article provides the solution to fix and the steps to reproduce the issue that might occur after upgrading from a previous version, where the File Archive Assistant (FAA) and Rename Roles are not being stored properly in Roles and Permissions.
Reproduction Steps
This issue occurs after you upgrade from a previous version to version 20141117 and the root cause is not determined yet. The steps to reproduce this issue are:
- Upgrade from MA9 to MA11.
- Add a custom role, which includes the Rename role and the FAA.
- Restart Core.
- A notice shows "This role does not have these permissions".
To fix this issue, if you are on version 20141117, apply the 20141203_2810 patch (attached in this article). This issue is fixed in GFI Archiver 2015 SR1 build 20150218.
Priyanka Bhotika