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Repairing a Firebird Database Using IBExpert


This article describes the issue, and its resolution, which occurs when items are not being archived and/or the Firebird database is operating with errors.

Upon further investigation, you find the following errors in the Microsoft Event Viewer and the ErrorsDal log:

2010-01-19,10:08:20,243,1,"#00000ED8","#00000013","error ","ErrorsDal","error: (FB) GetBulkDetailedMessages() - 
;message: I/O error for file lseek 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\fb_sort_x63jow' 
;Error while trying to read from file 
;sort error 


  • GFI Archiver
  • Firebird databases

Root Cause

The database may have become corrupt and needs repairing. Possible causes could be anti-virus software, a huge Firebird database, or a faulty disk.


To resolve the issue, attempt to repair the Firebird database using IBExpert

Note: It is important that a backup copy of the database is made before performing these steps.

  1. Download IBExpert (Personal Edition).
  2. Install and copy the following files/folders from a 32-bit GFI Archiver installation to the folder c:\Program Files\HK-Software\IBExpert:
    • ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\firebird.msg
    • ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\gds32.dll
    • ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\ib_util.dll
    • ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\icudt30.dll
    • ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\icuin30.dll
    • ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\icuuc30.dll
    • ..\GFI\Archiver\Store\UDF
  3. Open services.msc and stop the GFI Archiver Store service.
  4. Make a backup copy of the database FDB file.
  5. Open IBExpert and click Database > Register Database to open the Database Registration dialog.
  6. Enter the following details in the Database Registration dialog and click OK:
    • Server = Local
    • Server Version = Firebird 2.5
    • Database File = <Navigate to your Archiver database FDB file>
    • User Name = SYSDBA
    • Password = MASTERKEY
  7. You must then register the database and under services choose validation and mend.
  8. Click Start validation.
  9. Wait until the process is completed.
  10. Close IBExpert.
  11. Start the GFI Archiver Store service.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
