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Error: 'Store test failed: Returned failed' when opening the web page and the FDB file of a Firebird Archive Store is not present in the configured location


This article describes the error and its resolution wheich occurs when opening the web page and the FDB file of a Firebird Archive Store is not present in the configured location:

Error: 'Store test failed: Returned failed'

..\Store\Debuglogs\Managementproviders.log reads:
2014-03-25,11:36:42,039,1,"#00001090","#0000000A","error ","ManagementProviders","Error: (FB) Getting Schema Details. ;message: I/O error during 'CreateFile (open)' operation for file 'D:\GFIMAILARCHIVER\DATABASES\MA_001_02\MA_001_02.FDB'
;Error while trying to open file
;stack trace: at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbConnectionInternal.Connect()
; at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbConnection.Open()
; at Store.Management.FBSchemaProvider.GetSchemaDetails(String connectionString, SchemaData[] schemaSettings, SchemaDetails& schemaDetails)


GFI Archiver Build 20131111

Root Cause

The FDB file referenced does not exist.


The issue is fixed in MARC2014 build 20140616, so upgrade to MARC2014 build 20140616 or newer.


Restore the "missing" FDB file from a backup to the expected location

or - Remove the Archive Store reference to which the FDB belongs to from ..\Core\Data\MArcSettings.xml Notes: - This is best to be done by GFI technical support and NOT the customer - Ensure to keep a backup of the original MArcSettings.xml

  1. Stop all GFI MailArchiver services
  2. Edit ..\Core\Data\MArcSettings.xml according to the outline below:
    An Archive Store has 2 reference elements within MArcSettings.xml
    1. The first is found under
    2. One element exists per Archive Store
    3. Find the element in which the FDB file from the error is referred to
    4. Keep a record of the Guid-attribute (it will be needed later)
    5. Remove the complete element in which the FDB file from the error is referred to
    6. The 2nd reference is found under
    7. One element exists per Archive Store (resp. index)
    8. Find the element which contains the Guid-attribute which was noted in the earlier step d.
    9. Remove the complete element
  3. Start all GFI MailArchiver services
    It is recommended to use XML Marker 1.1 (free) for the procedure below. It makes the file easier to navigate, read and edit:
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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