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Gathering Troubleshooter Logs for GFI Archiver


This article describes the steps to gather Troubleshooter Logs for issues in the GFI Archiver. Recreate the issue and take screenshots of any details that relate to the recurrence. Listed below are some of the best practices to provide us with the needed information to isolate the issue:

  • Keep a record of the exact steps taken including hour and minute of when the issue occurred.
  • Use the Problem Step Recorder to capture screenshots (it is bundled with current versions of Windows operating systems).
  • If not using psr.exe, ensure that the screenshots show the whole screen, including the system clock with hour and minute.

Note: It is recommended that the following instructions be performed when requested by a GFI Technical Support Representative. If you do not have an open case, please first submit a request at the Support Portal.


  1. Enable Debug Mode
    1. Browse to ..\GFI\Archiver\Tools\DebugLogTool\ 
    2. Locate the file GFIMADebugLogsTool.exe and run it.
    3. Select the option Debug Logs and set it to Enabled.
    4. Under Settings, select the option Backup and Delete.
    5. Click Go.
    6. Once the operation is completed, click Close.
  2. Run the GFI Archiver troubleshooter ..\GFI\Archiver\Troubleshooter\LogCollector.exe.
    Note: It should upload automatically if you choose to do so. For Archiver 2015 the file you need to execute is troubleshooter.exe.
  3. Save the file created by the Problem Step Recorder and any other additional files to a .zip archive.
  4. If you choose the option to not upload the files automatically, take note of the folder mentioned in LogCollector.exe
  5. Upload the zip file created to the FTP server:
    1. Login to the FTP server. If using Internet Explorer use
      Note: If you see a page with many files and folders, right-click the page and choose Logon As..., and put in the credentials below:
      Pass: gfi911cust
      User: gfi
    2. Copy and paste the file into the page.
  6. Reply to the case email with the .zip file which contains all the steps recorded and additional items as well as the filename uploaded if you did those steps manually.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
