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Creating a Maintenance Plan for Microsoft SQL Database


This article describes the process of creating a maintenance plan in Microsoft SQL Management Studio for GFI Archiver database(s).


  1. Log in to the SQL Management Studio using SA (System Administrator) credentials.
  2. Expand Management, then right-click Maintenance Plans and select Maintenance Plan Wizard.
  3. Click Next and name the plan GFI Archiver DBs.
  4. Select Check Database Integrity, Shrink Database, and Rebuild Index and click Next.
  5. In the Task Order, make sure the tasks are in the order above.
  6. In the following 3 screens, make sure that under Databases All Databases is selected.
  7. On the final screen click Finish.
  8. Double click 'GFI Archiver DBs' to open the maintenance plan and modify the schedule so that it runs weekly.

Note: It is ideal to run maintenance on weekends, or during any other non-working hours so that it does not affect end users while running.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
