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Error: 'HTTP 400 Bad Request' when Outlook Connector connects to the GFI MailArchiver server using Forms authentication


The Outlook Connector fails to connect showing the error "HTTP 400 - Bad Request" in combination with Forms authentication.


20121204 or newer


Note: This is not a generic issue and it does not occur in all environments. The user who encountered this error was running MARC on Windows 2003 64-bit with SharePoint, and OC on Windows XP with Outlook 2003.

To identify this issue, check the following items:

  1. Confirm that the Forms Authentication is in use on the MARC server.
  2. Open the web interface in a browser and confirm that it loads correctly.
  3. Confirm the OC debug log reading:
    2013-01 31,15:45:34,540,1,"#00000da0","#00001534","warning","logmartransport","TransportManager::Connect The connection failed hr = 0x80004005 - HTTP error: 400 (Bad Request)."
  4. If possible, configure the server to use Windows Authentication.

    In this case, the OC should connect successfully. If the issue is not fixed, please contact support.

Note: Patches are not available for supported MARC versions.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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