The below information pertains to when Archiver, SQL and/or Exchange are on the same server. If SQL and/or Exchange are not local, renaming the server and rebooting should not affect functionality, and, only breaks shortcuts, the IMAP server (which can be re-configured from the web UI) and accessing the web UI from the same server.Reinstalling should repair the shortcuts and the web UI access.
- Change server name and reboot server
- Stop GFI Archiver services
- Change server name in files:
- ...\GFI\Archiver\RemoteTool (internet shortcut)
- update URL path to the remote tool
- ...\GFI\Archiver\GFIArchiver (internet shortcut)
- update URL path to web UI
- ...\GFI\Archiver\Core\Data\MArcSettings.xml (primary configuration file)
- update server name for the XML tags <Databases>, <ArchiveStoreProfiles>, <IMAP server>
- example of tags containing server name:
- <Server>...</Server>
- <ServerName>...</ServerName>
- <BackEndServer Server="..." ServerName="...">
- <ServerUrl>...</ServerUrl
- ...\GFI\Archiver\RemoteTool (internet shortcut)
- Change server name in HKLM\SOFTWARE\GFI\MAR12\
- Edit String value for WebsiteAddress (URL that is used to access the Archiver interface from the local machine)
- Start GFI Archiver Services
- Wait at least 10 minutes for the indexes to validate and dashboard summary to load
- Login and check
- Home tab > Status Overview > Services, Journaling Mailboxes, SQL Servers, Licensing
- Configuration > Stores to ensure SQL connection shows ok and indexed validated
- Reinstalling the product after the server name will not correct the values in the settings
- Quickest way to change the values in MArcSettings.xml is to use "find and replace"; search for <oldServerName> and replace with <newServerName>. As an example, if SQL is installed locally:
- FROM: <Server>App01\DB</Server>
- TO: <Server>MailArchiver\DB</Server>
- IIS changes are not required for Archiver
- If SQL is installed locally, changing the server name will break the connection, since, in the settings, Archiver is looking for <oldServerName>\<instanceName>;
- The much longer user-friendly way would be to:
- Detach all stores (only if SQL is installed on the same server)
- Uninstall Archiver (settings will not be affected)
- Change server name and reboot
- Install Archiver
- Attach stores and redo the "New Archive Store Settings" (only if SQL is installed on the same server)
Priyanka Bhotika