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Archival is failing due to a corruption of the retention polices in MArcSettings.xml (multiple polices with the same priority)

Versions / Builds Affected






How to Identify

Store fails to uploading items into the Archive Store if multiple retention policies are present in MArcSettings.xml that have the same . Debug logging: store/debuglogs/EmailMessageUpload.log 2015-01-15,05:22:06,702,1,"#00001A40","#00000018","info ","EmailMessageUpload",">>>Uploading 26 email(s)" 2015-01-15,05:22:06,702,1,"#00001A40","#00000018","error ","EmailMessageUpload","Error: in Upload(): An entry with the same key already exists." store/debuglogs/Retention.log 2015-01-15,05:22:06,662,1,"#00001A40","#00000018","info ","Retention","Initializing" 2015-01-15,05:22:06,662,1,"#00001A40","#00000018","info ","Retention","ResolveMessageRule() >> Any Retention Rules? True. OnHold? False. Any Categorization Rules? False. Rule Based Archiving on? False" 2015-01-15,05:22:06,702,1,"#00001A40","#00000018","info ","Retention","Sorting Retention Rules >>" 2015-01-15,05:22:06,702,1,"#00001A40","#00000018","error ","Retention","Error: Failed to sort retention rules. Check for duplicate priority or any other abnormalities." How this corruption looks like in MArcSettings.xml: 3 ProjectA ... 3 ProjectA Basically, there are multiple polices which have the same value. This situation should not occur and each should be unique.

Workaround / Fix Details

WORKAROUND (PLEASE ONLY USE IT ON PSG LEVEL) 1. Backup MArcSettings.xml 2. Edit the values and make them unique - they should start with 0 and increase by 1

Required Actions

It is unknown when this duplication occurs. It happens most likely when a new policy is added or an existing policy is edited. It would be best if we understand when/why this occurs - but this has not been reproduced. Therefore, as a general approach please: 1. Identify the issue 2. Do NOT fix the issue 3. Collect a set of TS files 4. Check if "User Interaction Auditing" is enabled within GFI Archiver (Configuration > Auditing) - if it is not enabled, please enable it 5. Escalate the case PSG will investigate and try to find patterns - hopefully we can identify the root cause. PSG will also fix the issue for the customer.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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