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Installing the Central Management Server


The Central Management Server (CMS) does not require an installed LanGuard main console. It can be installed separately (in a different location) from other main consoles. By default, the main console's installer recommends the installation of the CMS. The majority of the features will not be active until each function is enabled with permission to begin copying data to the reporting instance.

Some customers do not use the CMS actively if they are not interested in its reporting-only functionalities. Some skip the installation to save on system resources.

This article demonstrates the steps for installing the GFI CMS.



  • Please review the system requirements before deciding on where to install this reporting instance.
  • It can be installed on a separate device than the rest of the main LanGuard consoles.
  • Be prepared with the administrator credentials of the machine where LanGuard will be installed.


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To install the GFI LanGuard Central Management Server:

  1. Log in using the administrator credentials of the machine where the GFI LanGuard Central Management Server will be installed.
If you are installing both GFI LanGuard and GFI LanGuard Central Management Server on the same machine, the installation wizard will first ask you to install GFI LanGuard.

For more information, read Installing GFI LanGuard.


  1. Launch the setup wizard and select the installation language (English).
  • The GFI LanGuard CMS and all GFI LanGuard instances joined to it must be installed in the same language, English.
  • The graphical user interface of the GFI LanGuard CMS is only available in English even if all instances of GFI LanGuard are installed in another language. 
  1. Select the components to be installed. Ensure that GFI LanGuard CMS is selected in the components list and click Next.


  2. Configure the database server with the details below.


    In the database server configuration window, enter the following details:
    • Database and server name - This is the name of the Microsoft SQL server where the GFI LanGuard Central Management Server database is hosted.
    • Use Windows Authentication - Tick this box if you want the GFI LanGuard Central Management Server to use the Microsoft Windows credentials of the currently logged in user when connecting to the Microsoft SQL database.
    • SQL Login and Password - If the GFI LanGuard Central Management Server is not using Windows Authentication when connecting to the Microsoft SQL database, provide the username and password to be able to connect to the database. 
  1. Read the licensing agreement carefully. To proceed with the installation, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click Next.
  2. In the Service logon information screen, key in the administrator credentials and password for the Windows service under which the scheduled operations run. Click Next to continue setup.


  3. Click Install to proceed with installing the GFI LanGuard Central Management Server in the default location or click Browse to change the path.
  4. Click Finish to finalize the installation.


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  1. Check if LanGuard CMS is successfully installed by launching the Central Management Server.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. After the basic installation, the main LanGuard console must be configured to join the Central Management Server group. This initiation is done from the console itself. Validate if the following details are correct, (as pictured below):
    • Server information
    • Site details
    • Synchronization status


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
