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Error: 'This network connection does not exist' in the Windows Event Logs


Users encounter the following error message in the Windows Event logs:

Event ID 8, Source - crypt32. Description - Failed auto update retrieval of third party root list sequence number from with error: This network connection does not exist.


  • All Supported Environments

Root Cause

The error appears because the operating system thinks that the check is needed by an application (i.e. LanGuard), and the certificate of LanGuard is not "directly trusted". Therefore, the LanGuard component tries to update the trusted list from the Microsoft site.



  • Configure the operating system to use the correct proxy server settings if there is one being used in the environment. This is most commonly done using the proxycfg command.

  • Use Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) to allow winhttp to find the proxy configuration file for execution. Refer to the following article about Automatic Discovery for Firewall and Web Proxy Clients.
NOTE:  Winhttp does not support an automatic configuration script. It only supports WPAD and manual configuration.
  • In Windows XP, administrators can disable this by clearing the Update Root Certificates functionality in the Add/Remove Windows Components. You can also do this via Group Policy.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
