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Reporting on a Specific Application in the Domain with GFI LanGuard


This article guides you on how to report on a specific application installed in the domain with GFI LanGuard.



This can be done by selecting individual machines or the entire domain:
  1. Select Report tab in the main console.
  2. Go to Full Audit > Hardware Audit.
  3. In the Report Items, select Installed Updates and Service packs.
  4. Select Filter > Installed Update Name and add the application you want to report on and generate the report:
    • Java 8 (no quotes) - Finds any application that has Java or the number 8 in the title.
    • Java 8 or Java 8 - Finds any application that has the full title exactly as Java 8, and is case insensitive.
    • %Java%Update% - Finds any application that has the words Java and Update in the title; % is a wildcard character in SQL.


Generate the report. This will show you the machine name(s) the application is installed on and the installed version.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
