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Generating a Report on One Type of Software


This article outlines how to generate a report on a particular type of software.


NOTE: To create a report on one software, you need to modify an existing report.
  1. Open GFI LanGuard and go to Reports.
  2. In the Settings tab select Software Audit and click Customize.
  3. Under the Report Items uncheck everything except Applications Inventory.
  4. Under filters check Application name and type in the name of the software you want to filter the report on.
  5. Choose to save or generate the report.
  • Java 8 (no quotes) will find any application that has Java or the number 8 in the title.
  • "Java 8" or 'Java 8' will find any application has the full title as exactly "Java 8" or "java 8" - case insensitive.
  • "%Java%Update%" will find any application that has the words "Java" and "Update" in the title; % is a wildcard character in SQL.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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