Error: 'License limit exceeded' in the Overview tab of GFI LanGuard appears incorrectly
Versions / Builds Affected
LanGuard 2014
Problem Summary
LanGuard reports that the license limit exceeds the number of nodes, even though this is not correct.
How to Identify
1. Go to 'Overview' tab 2. Under the 'Scan Activity' pane, you will see the message: 'License limit exceeded. Click here to view license details' 3. Find the computer in the Configuration -> Licencing node and see if it shows as licensed with one scan. NOTE: If the customer is near or at the license limit explain that he must free up licenses in order to scan more computers. NOTE: The Configuration -> Licensing page -> under "List of licensed computers" shows the total license limit which INCLUDES MOBILE DEVICES. The license limit for scanning is shown in the "LIcense type:" field which will show "Full product licensed (X nodes + bonus Y nodes for mobile devices). The 'X' number is the number for scanning. 4. Attempt to scan the computer with a security scan profile and see if the error message in the dashboard goes away. 5. If the error message DOES NOT go away, this article applies and you should escalate
Workaround / Fix Details
Inform the customer that this is cosmetic issue. The license and the program will work properly. Escalate to PSG. Development still investigating this behavior.
Required Actions
Attach the article to the case and follow the workaround.
Priyanka Bhotika