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Creating User Groups in Kerio Control


User accounts can be sorted into groups. Creating user groups provides the following benefits:

  • Assigning access rights to groups of users
  • Using groups when defining access rules


Step-By-Step Guide

  • Creating user groups

You can create either a local user group or map existing groups from a directory service.

  • Creating local groups

Local groups are created and managed through the Kerio Control administration interface.

  1. Go to the administration interface.
  2. In section Groups, select Local User Database.
  3. Click Add.
  4. On the General tab, enter a group name.
  5. On tab Members click Add.
  6. Select users you wish to add to the group and confirm.

NOTE: You can also go to Users and select a group in user's settings.

  1. On tab Rights, you can configure access rights for this group.
  2. Save the settings.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
