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Adding Kerio Control to MyKerio


MyKerio is a cloud service that enables you to administer numerous Kerio Control appliances from a single dashboard. This article describes a process for adding Kerio Control to MyKerio.



There are two ways how to add Kerio Control to MyKerio:

  • Using MyKerio settings.
  • During the Kerio Control Installation.


Using MyKerio Settings

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Kerio Control administration interface, go to Remote Services > MyKerio > MyKerio Settings.
  2. Checkmark and enable the option Connect to MyKerio.
  3. Click the link 'add this Kerio Control'. Your web browser opens MyKerio Site, where you can register or log in if you are already registered.


  4. After a successful login, MyKerio displays the Add a New Appliance dialog box. Type the name of the Kerio Control appliance (for example, your company name). Select more organizations if you have them created in MyKerio. 
  5. Click Add.




You are now connected to MyKerio, and you can see the Kerio Control appliance in the MyKerio dashboard.



During the Kerio Control Installation

Follow these steps:

  1. When installing the new Kerio Control appliance, the last installation dialog shares a link to MyKerio, as seen below. Copy this link. 


    Note: If you miss the link during the installation, you can add Kerio Control to MyKerio later Using the Kerio Control Administration console, as described above.

  2. Enter the link in your browser, which opens the MyKerio Login page.
  3. Register or login if you are already registered. This opens the MyKerio with the Add a New Appliance dialog box.
  4. Type the name of the newly installed appliance. 
  5. Click Add.



The MyKerio dashboard shows the appliance status as green.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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