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Error: 'Cannot install update XXXXXXXX because the database server is missing the following update...' When Running AutoUpdate


GFI EventsManager cannot install the latest updates via AutoUpdate because the system is not able to update the database server.

The following error is displayed:

Cannot install update XXXXXXXX because the database server is missing the following update...

This article provides a step-by-step process to resolve the issue described above.


  • GFI EventsManager 2013 SR1 (build: 20130606)
  • All Supported Environments

Root Cause

The issue appears on environments on which the DLib server is not updated with the latest patches.


  1. Browse the path where the database server is installed. By default, the database server is installed in this location:
    ..\Program Files (x86)\GFI\Database Server 2.1\Data\AutoUpdate.
  2. Open the file Config.xml.
  3. Locate the line <UseProxy>false</UseProxy> and change the value to true.
  4. Save the changes on the file.
  5. Open an elevated command prompt (run as administrator) and navigate to the folder: ..\Program Files (x86)\GFI\Database Server 2.1\.
  6. Run the command: updater.exe /InstallNow /IgnoreRunningProcesses.
  7. Restart the GFI EventsManager services.
  8. Open EventsManager Console. Go to Configuration tab > Options.
  9. On the left pane, click AutoUpdate Options > Edit updater options.
  10. Click the Update Now button.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
