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Error: 'Server Error in '/' Application' When Accessing Console


When accessing the console for GFI WebMonitor, the below error message is displayed:

Server Error in '/' Application




  • GFI WebMonitor 2015
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9

Root Cause

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 renders webpages differently than previous versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Because of this, Microsoft includes a feature called Compatibility Mode which is designed to show websites as they would be viewed in previous versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. If Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 is set to Compatibility Mode it can have issues trying to display pages that are designed for Internet Explorer 9. Disabling Compatibility Mode corrects this issue.



  1. Clear browser cookies and other cache files.
  2. Disable the Compatibility Mode.

NOTE: As of GFI WebMonitor 2015, Microsoft IE 9 is no longer supported for accessing the console. To access the console you need Microsoft IE 10 or later.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
