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  • Find What GFI FaxMaker Version You Are Using

    Overview Finding the version of the product you are using may be helpful when troubleshooting issues on GFI FaxMaker. It can also help you with functions, features, or configuration specific to the ve...

  • Importing Users to GFI FaxMaker

    Overview The user import feature enables the addition of users to GFI FaxMaker from GFI Directory or from Windows®. This is achieved by importing users in bulk to the GFI Directory and then to GFI Fax...

  • Changing Retry Settings for Sending Faxes in GFI FaxMaker

    Overview This article shares the process of changing the number of retries and their delay settings for sending faxes in GFI FaxMaker.   Solution Go to Start > Programs > GFI FaxMaker. Open GFI FaxMak...

  • Setting Up Dialing Options in FaxMaker

    Dialing options enable you to configure area codes and other special dialing procedures. This ensures that GFI FaxMaker processes the fax number in a structured manner, and dials numbers in the correc...

  • Changing Server IP addresses When Using GFI FaxMaker

    Overview   This article provides information about the changes in IP addresses that might occur in your network, which includes: Changes in the fax server's IP address Changes in the Exchange server's...

  • Changing IP Addresses in FoIP Devices

    Overview   When changing network IP addresses in FaxMaker, most devices are not affected. Meanwhile, Fax over IP (FoIP) devices are required to have proper IP addresses in their configuration. This ar...