AnswerIf you are questioning why an email was blocked or allowed by the Spamrazer spam filter and would like more information, you can find further details in the log file for that filter. Use the fol...
Versions / Builds Affected2015, 20 StatusResolved TT / JIRAIDGFIME-832 How to IdentifyThe debuglog to check is ase_SpamRazer.gfi_log.txt under the AntiSpam\Debeglogs folder. Check the score-checks lin...
Versions / Builds Affected20140308,20140627 StatusResolved Problem SummaryWhen customer has Spamrazer module enabled, the submission queue or MailQueue will build up until Spamrazer is disabled. TT / ...
AnswerIf the SpamRazer module is doing an update when a new license key is entered, it will not read the new license key and the update will subsequently fail. Restart the following services: GFI Mail...