Basic Information FAQs Feature requests
Overview Before using the Kerio Connect migration service to migrate Kerio Connect to Kerio Cloud, you must have a valid Kerio Cloud account. Step-By-Step Guide Open your browser and go to: https://se...
Overview This article explains creating an account with Kerio Cloud. Pre-requisite: You must purchase the domain in advance. Step-by-Step Guide: In your browser, open T...
AnswerThe plan is to stop using the domain, but currently, there is no ETA for that. The servers will continue to be there and they will be renamed as follows: OLD Name: mailXXX.itekmail....
Overview You must configure your domain DNS records to send and receive messages via Kerio Cloud accounts. Domain Name System (DNS) enables the translation of hostnames to IP addresses and provides ot...
Overview Some users are receiving the following email: Viruses Found: Heuristics.OLE2.ContainsMacros From: Content-filter at <> Subject: Virus contained...
Overview This article provides information on how to fix the following error during configuration of the Kerio Cloud account: Unable to verify account name or password. Prerequisites Try to configure ...
Overview This article shares the process of configuring forwarding email addresses in your Kerio Cloud account. Preconditions Access to Kerio Cloud account Process Log into your Kerio Cloud instan...