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Setting Up Document Conversion


GFI FaxMaker enables users to send faxes by attaching content to an email. GFI FaxMaker automatically converts the attachment to fax. For this purpose, a built-in conversion engine is included for PDF, HTML, PNG, GIF, JPG, RTF and TXT files.

Microsoft® Office® 97 or higher is required on the GFI FaxMaker server to convert:

  • Microsoft® Office® file formats
  • Microsoft® Office® Open XML files, such as DOCX and XLSX files

This article provides the steps on how to set up document conversion.


  1. From GFI FaxMaker Configuration, right-click Advanced > Document conversion and select Properties.
  2. Configure the following options:


    Option Description
    File extension list to ignore Enter the extensions to ignore, separated by semi-colons - ;
    File extension list allowed for conversion List of extensions that can be converted by GFI FaxMaker.
    Add To add new file formats for conversion:
    1. Key in the Extension to add.
    2. In the Command text box, key in the Application Command that prints the file in Windows® Explorer (usually, this is Print).
    3. Click Add.
    Note:  To verify whether GFI FaxMaker can convert a file extension, from Windows® Explorer, right-click a file in that format and select Print. The file must print successfully.
    Remove Click to delete a selected file extension.

    3. Click OK.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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