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Error: '1701: Document Conversion Timeout' When Sending Microsoft Office Documents



This article describes the resolution of the error, which occurs while sending a fax with GFI FaxMaker with an XML based Microsoft Office file format. The sender receives a report with the following error:

1701: Document Conversion Timeout. Ensure that the FAXmaker printer driver on the server machine is installed on the GFIFAX port and is set up as default printer. Check that the application program is installed on the server and that there is association to print with the files.




Microsoft Office 2003 is installed on the GFI FaxMaker server machine together with the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office System. This issue does not occur when sending only Microsoft Office attachments after a reboot of the GFI FaxMaker machine.

The following error message can be found in the conversion.gfi_log.txt file:

"2012-01-05,10:03:48,677,1,"#00000d10","#00001498","error ","conversion","::shell_docvt _ Timeout of 600000 elapsed while waiting for printer driver ready signal." 2012-01-05,10:03:53,677,1,"#00000d10","#00001498","error ","conversion","::convConvert _ convConvertDocAttachmentEx failed." 2012-01-05,10:03:53,677,1,"#00000d10","#00001498","error ","conversion","::convConvertFile _ Failed."


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Root Cause


When trying to send Microsoft Office 2007 / 2010 file formats (such as .docx and .xlsx), the fax transmission is not completed successfully, giving a timeout error upon document conversion.

These timeout errors occur when the document uses new functionality introduced with Microsoft Office 2007 or later. When this file is opened in Microsoft Office 2003, a pop-up window is shown on the GFI FaxMaker machine. This pop-up window interferes with the document conversion managed by the GFI FaxMaker server.


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In order to send Microsoft Office 2007/2010 file formats as faxes:

  • Install Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 on the GFI FaxMaker machine.

  • Ensure that there are no alerts when opening the documents with Microsoft Office applications.

  • If the correct version of Microsoft Office is already installed on the GFI FaxMaker machine then perform the following instructions:

    1. Copy the contents of Microsoft Word document into another Word document.

    2. Save the newly created Word document.

    3. Resend the fax.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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