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What user account should the GFI FaxMaker services use?


GFI FAXmaker versions 12 or higher

  • Both the GFI FaxMaker Fax Server - and Message Transfer Agent service must run with an user account that has full local administrative permissions on the GFI FaxMaker server and (if installed in Active Directory mode) GFI FaxMaker Fax Server service must run with an user account that has domain administrative privileges. .

GFI FAXmaker for Networks/SMTP (all versions)

  • Both the GFI FaxMaker  Fax Server - and GFI FaxMaker  Message Transfer Agent (MTA) service run under the Administrator account.

GFI FAXmaker for Exchange version 10

  • The GFI FaxMaker Fax Server - and the GFI FaxMaker Message Transfer Agent (MTA) service both run under the Administrator account.
  • The GFI FaxMaker  Exchange Connector service runs under the Local System account.

GFI FAXmaker for Exchange version 9

  • The FaxMaker  Fax Server service runs under the Administrator account.
  • The FaxMaker Exchange Connector service runs under the Local System account.

GFI FAXmaker for Exchange version 7

  • Both the FaxMaker Exchange Connector - and FaxMaker FAX Server service run under the Administrator account.
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