Occasionally faxes remain unprocessed until GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service is restarted
Versions / Builds Affected
GFI FaxMaker 2015
How to Identify
Once or twice a month new outbound fax jobs pile up without being processed by GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service. A restart of the GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service is required to process the "piled up" faxes. GFI FaxMaker uses TE-System XCAPI to send / receive faxes. When the incident occurs, then one can send / receive faxes using TE-System XCAPI test which means that connectivity between XCAPI - Gatway - PSTN is working. So the issue appears to be with GFI FaxMaker FaxServer service which does not see the sfm files including attachment. I have attached ProcMon trace including XCAPI trace and files (which were pending in the GFI FaxMaker queue).
Workaround / Fix Details
No workaround identified.Manual restart of FM service required.
Required Actions
1. Attach article 2. Escalate case
Priyanka Bhotika