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How to upgrade the number of lines available: Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 fax card


Please Note
  • Dialogic no longer supports any SDK prior to 6.7.0 (Included with GFI FaxMaker 2014)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is supported by GFI FaxMaker but IS NOT supported by Dialogic for SDK 6.7.0

To upgrade the number of lines available for the Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 series fax board, it is necessary to utilize the TECUpdate Utility.  The Dialogic Brooktrout Technology Expansion Capability (TECUpdate) Utility is used to display and upgrade the configured feature set on an installed Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 board.
  • To successfully perform an upgrade, you need to know the serial number of your Dialogic Brooktrout board and have an appropriate license key provided by Dialogic
  • Use the Dialogic Brooktrout TECUpdate Utility to record the serial number of your Dialogic Brooktrout board before you contact Dialogic to order the license file.  When you receive an email with your updated license file, you can again use the TECUpdate utility to download the license file and expand the functionality of your board

To upgrade the board capability of a Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 series fax board:
  1. Obtain your new license file (LIC).  You may contact GFI Sales to request this, as you may need to upgrade the line capability for your GFI FaxMaker License key also
  2. Download the TECUpdate Utility from here: TECUpdate Utility
  3. Follow instructions from the readme.txt included with the TECUpdate utility in order to update the capability of the Dialogic Brooktrout TR1034 Fax Board
  4. Upgrade your GFI FaxMaker License key, if necessary, then add lines in the GFI FaxMaker Configuration > Lines/Devices
  5. Restart your GFI FaxMaker Services

To increase the number of fax lines in the GFI FaxMaker Configuration:

  1. Add each additional line in the GFI FaxMaker Configuration > Lines/Devices > Properties. A Lines/Devices Properties Window should appear with a General tab.
  2. Click the Add... button, choose a fax line, Device type, and Physical line/port. Under Device type:, choose a Brooktrout board with at least as many channels as the installed board
  3. Follow Step 2 for each additional line needed
  4. Click the OK button, close the GFI FaxMaker Configuration, then restart both GFI FaxMaker Services
Note: If you have existing lines that were added as a 'Device type' of "Brooktrout xx Channels", where xx is less than the number of channels the card now has, then those lines will need to be re-added
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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