To populate certain recipient information in a cover page, GFI FaxMaker ordinarily pulls information from a Global Address Book (GAB) contact. To pass recipient information to the cover page without a GAB, use the following syntax on the address line in your email client: firstname.company.surname.department.faxnumber@faxmaker.com
- To use this method, you must have four periods before the fax number. Each "period" will separate the information you provide and serve as a delimiter. For example, if you are sending to Tom Jones with a fax number of 3456789, you should use:
- In this example, the 'X' is used as a placeholder for the company and department fields since these fields are not populated on the coverpage.
- The above syntax is also provided in the article Send Faxes Using the Alias Method.
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Priyanka Bhotika