This article explains the process to configure the remote CAPI (Common Application Programming Interface) client using the supported Bintec router with GFI FaxMaker.
To configure the remote CAPI client perform the steps for the following two sub-processes as indicated in this article:
- Configuring Remote CAPI Client
- Configuring GFI FaxMaker to use Remote CAPI client
Configuring Remote CAPI Client:
Follow these steps to configure Remote CAPI Client:
Configure the supported Bintec router in the customer environment. For more information, visit the Bintec manufacturer website.
Download Remote CAPI Configuration, which is part of the Brickware tools.
Install Remote CAPI client using the Brickware Tools.
Open Remote CAPI client configuration from Start > Programs > Teldat Bintec BRICKware > CAPI Configuration.
In the Remote CAPI tab enter the IP address/hostname of the Bintec router in the Device IP address or the hostname section.
Click 'Use these values' button to automatically add the devices found on the media gateway specified in the Device IP address or hostname field.
Click the More Devices (CAPI2032.DLL) button in the previous screen to open Remote Multi CAPI Client Configuration.
At this stage, the user is able to view the controllers set on the Bintec router device.
Clicking the Test button would verify the connection between the Remote CAPI client and the CAPI device connected on the CAPI server.
Configuring GFI FaxMaker to use Remote CAPI client
GFI FaxMaker uses Remote CAPI client to treat the ISDN port found on the Bintec router media gateway as if it is virtually connected to the same machine.
Follow these steps to configure the GFI FaxMaker to use Remote CAPI Client:
Open the GFI FaxMaker Configuration and proceed to Lines\Devices > Properties.
Add a new Gateway devices Device type line.
Choose Bintec R4100 (here as an example) entry as ISDN type.
Close all windows and restart GFI FaxMaker Server Service.
Bintec router lines should now show in the GFI FaxMaker Monitor and be able to send and receive faxes.
Priyanka Bhotika