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Checking General Connectivity for GFI Fax Services


This article shares three primary tests for checking if the general connectivity for GFI Fax Services is working correctly. This helps isolate issues when troubleshooting. 



Perform the following three tests to validate general connectivity for the user's GFI Fax Services:

  1. Browse to Google's Search Page.
    • This test checks for general connectivity over the HTTPS port 443.
    • If this test does not complete, and the user is not able to view the Google search page, then it is likely that the user has a firewall rule, either local or environmental, that is blocking HTTPS traffic.
  2. Validate Account Credentials within the GFI FaxMaker:
    1. Open the GFI FaxMaker Configuration.
    2. Select Fax Services in the navigation pane.
    3. Select your configured fax service account.
    4. Click on Properties.
    5. Ensure that the account information is correct.
    6. Click Validate Account.

      Note: This will check if the credentials are correct. Review the following GFI support article for more information on How to set up a Fax Service Account.
  3. Browse to
    • This test checks for connectivity to the etherFax servers which are used in sending & receiving fax data. If successful, the user should see the following general output page:

User-added image

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
