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Process 'wmd' crashing with an unhandled exception in v7.4.x Exinda firmware


The process for WAN acceleration is crashing with certain messages in logs, up to multiple times daily.


When using acceleration on Exinda devices, it is possible to see a process crash for the WAN Acceleration process ('wmd'). This process is the process for acceleration that handles putting everything and taking everything from the WAN Memory partition on the device, including compression.

When failing, one of the following sets of messages can be seen in the Logging (Configuration > System > Logging):
  • pm[2086]: [pm.NOTICE]: Output from wmd (pid 29567): terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<CompressorException>'
    pm[2086]: [pm.NOTICE]: Output from wmd (pid 29567): what(): LZ4 Decompression failure {decompress@common/compression/CompressorLz4.cpp:66}
  • pm[2086]: [pm.NOTICE]: Output from wmd (pid 6123): what(): Decoder process invalid message type:12 {process_queue_item@codec/Decoder.cpp:413}
    pm[2089]: [pm.NOTICE]: Output from wmd (pid 2622): terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<ProcessInvalidType>'
Accompanying these errors, there will be a system snapshot generated in Configuration > System > Diagnostics, the "Diagnostics" tab, with 'wmd' in the title.


The cause is currently unknown.


To stop these errors, the WAN Memory component of acceleration can be disabled. Under Configuration > System > Optimization, the first tab lists all the process information related to system acceleration. Stopping the WAN Memory process will prevent the crashes from happening. Note however, this effect will not survive a system reboot.


There is no resolution at this side.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
